Foodies, Only!

How many times have we flipped through a television channel only to be enthralled to a cooking show on how to make an awesome dish?  I have a confession to make.  I am a foodie, a secret chef behind closed doors, a Julia Child’s fan.  Education is not just limited to the classroom or learning just about technology.  Education can arrive right at your kitchen counter.  When we sit for long hours doing homework or going over our taxes only to feed a craving that we have a hankering for.


I’ve been guilty of opening the refrigerator and not finding what I am    craving for, only to go back to the fridge ten minutes later and open the fridge door – hoping that something magically appeared.

I see that I have ingredients, but creativity doesn’t come to me.  I’ve turned to the next best thing, surf the internet for inspiration.


When I come across a picture that looks appetizing, I want to learn how to make that recipe.

Got greens?  No problem.  Have noodles?  Even better.   And the canned sauces?  A gourmet meal is on the way.

Learning how to cook from how to videos to online cooking courses, there are many options to choose from just to feed a craving or whip up a quick meal.

But it doesn’t stop there.  There are schools promoting healthy eating habits, community forums encouraging students to make healthier choices, and allowing students to be held accountable for making those choices.

  But it doesn’t stop there.  Schools are now getting parents involved to help teach their children to eat healthier.   Things like how to read a food label, what is the calorie content, and what foods are better for a growing and developing child.





So when you see an image of food, do you surf the internet to learn how to cook lasagna?  Do you want to know what meals go best with coffee at then end of the main course?